This week's pick:

Monday, August 15, 2011

Comic Twart on Sabbatical

After more than a year and a half since the Twart started, we're taking a small break. The guys are all very busy with their respective projects so rather than let things lapse we're going to take a month to recharge. Thanks to all of you who have been tuning in every week. We'll be back Monday, September 12th, so see you then!

Edit: In the mean time check out DC - Fifty too! Inspired by the much talked about DC Reboot, the new art blog asks a slew of artists "If DC approached you and offered you any DC property - past or present - what would the cover to the first issue look like? "

Look for contributions from several of us Comic Twartists, including myself.



David Andrews said...

Mike, I really like your site. When you have the time, check out my blog - - as I have a proposition for you.

You can contact me via my contact section.

Mike Hawthorne said...

Your site looks cool, and I'm curious about your proposition,but I don't even know your name!
