This week's pick:

Sunday, February 13, 2011

DOOM PATROL by Declan Shalvey

God, WHY did i have to follow Fowler... ...and Salas... and Francavilla ...and Panosian ...and Johnson.

Great to have Dave aboard. His addition both makes me want to try harder... and on the other hand makes me want to give up completely.



Mike Hawthorne said...

Man, I think this is great! Love this composition a ton! Great job.


Patrick Stiles said...

So cool! I always, always stress about these Twart concepts- how I can make a concept efficient and keep the narrative, and you guys always blow me away with how you do it.

Reverend Dave Johnson said...

Love graphic stuff. Less is more in my book.

Urban Barbarian said...

very cool Dec!!!

Doc Shaner said...

I love the setup, Declan, that's fantastic.

Francesco Francavilla said...

Really nice composition, Dec :)
