This week's pick:

Saturday, May 1, 2010

THE THING by Andy Kuhn

I made my Twart today while I was signing
at Astro-Zombies Comics here in Albuquerque.
Great choice, Mr. Shaner. Ben Grimm is the coolest!!!
Thanks for looking.

To see my original sketch for this piece visit MY BLOG.

THE THING by Mitch Gerads

I finally got around to putting my THING on the Internet ;)


THING by Mitch Breitweiser

Can't sleep, so I twart.

Friday, April 30, 2010

THE THING by tom fowler

affectionately titled: "F@#K OFF, STRETCH!"

EDIT: had a bit more time today so i banged out my original idea as well.
note i did not say "banged out my original thing".

... also if there's anyone out there in twartland who's interested i'm taking pre-orders for sketches at TCAF and HEROES CON. more info here.

THE THING by Urbanbarbarian

Alright, this is not an original Comic Twart. I apologize. It's from an upcoming issue of X-Factor Forever. But this is probably the best I've ever drawn The Thing! I'm not sure why I stuck the Rabbi in there. But there he is! Perhaps Kirby whispered it in my ear...

THE THING by Ron Salas

Ben Grimm The Thing has always been one of my favourite characters. In fact, the first american comic book I remember reading was a Fantastic Four issue (#167) with Thing fighting the Hulk on the St Louis Arch. Like all kids, I was fascinated by the fact that he was made of stone and always wondered how the change happened. This pic is inspired by that childhood thought.

Edit: I don't know if everybody's seen this before but since we're still waiting for some Things to roll in I wanted to update this post with one of my favourite Things.

Done with Copic markers with a healthy dose of the blender marker.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

THE THING by Evan Shaner

I was really excited to pick The Thing for my week, he's my favorite Marvel character by a long shot. Ben Grimm represents a lot of what I like about Marvel and I'm really looking forward to see everybody's take on him.

I went through 3 or 4 ideas before landing on this one, and this gave me a chance to draw some other guys that I've never tried. I'd really love to bring back the old Marvel Two-in-One. That's one of my favorite books because it's a place where this happens, or things like this make sense.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

THE THING by Francesco Francavilla

The Thing
(click on the above image for a REALLY REALLY larger view)

Many thanks to Evan for picking one of my favorite "things" :)

The above was done today for Comic Twart(poor Richards) but I wanted also share the below illo, def one of my preferred I did of Ben Grimm :)
Hope you guys enjoy it :)

Also, a little personal announcement: My new creator owned Wildstorm 6 issue mini, GARRISON, is out today with its 1st issue: please go check it out, it's a fun action thriller ride :)


The Thing
(click on the above image for a larger view)

THE THING by Chris Samnee

I like to call this the Benji-pult. With special appearance by Reed Richards's torso. Thanks for lookin'!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The THING (and guests) by Dan McDaid

Probably not... but it's a neat way to catch up with a few weeks of missed TWARTS.

Hope ya like :)

BATMAN by Evan Shaner

I thought I'd try drawing Bruce for once, I always liked the way Frank Robbins drew him. I liked the way he drew Batman too for that matter. Frank Robbins did one of my favorite issues of Detective Comics, wherein this happens.

I don't draw Batman nearly enough, but after working on this, my new favorite is Alfred.

BATMAN by Ron Salas

I kinda disappeared for a while there. Digging everyone's takes on Batman.

Like many people, Batman's my favourite character. I think for many people, if there has to be one character they have to draw, it's Batman.

Monday, April 26, 2010

BATMAN by tom fowler

been a little while.

batman's a character i've always had a lot of trouble with. i tried about three other drawings before chucking them in favour of the only way batman ever seems to make sense to me: a violent, vengeful sociopath.

BATMAN by Steve Bryant

I haven't Twarted in a while—some personal issues and the Kickstarter campaign for my book, Athena Voltaire, have had me scrambling. Thankfully, it looks like everything is settling down.

Big thanks to Declan for his Twart choice—I hope to catch up on the Twarts I've started but not yet finished from previous weeks...

Sunday, April 25, 2010

BATMAN by Nathan Fairbairn

Just a little marker sketch with some color slapped on in PS. One of those rare times I just start drawing with no clue where I'm going. I did this earlier in the week, thinking I'd find the time to do something more ... well, more good, honestly, for Bat week. But no. Now the week is over, so this is what you get.


I couldn't help myself. While I had PS open, I had to throw some color at Mr. Hawthorne's super Bat cover!

BATMAN by Andy Kuhn

It's impossible for me draw Batman too many times.
He's probably the most iconic, and the most resilient to interpretation
of any character in mainstream comics. I love him!
Unfortunately this week I only had time to do
the black and red piece at the top of this post.
The drawing of Batman in the snow is one of my favorite
caped crusader drawings that I have ever done.
It wasn't done for Comic-Twart, but I include it here as an apology.
Hopefully i'll have more time next week.
Thanks for looking.