This week's pick:

Friday, February 5, 2010

TORPEDO by tom fowler

not entirely certain how successful this one was. both in tone and composition (in fact i thought of a composition 1000% better the moment i finished...)

so to be clear, torpedo isn't sad about killing a lady. he's sad he had to break the whiskey bottle to do it...

TORPEDO by Chris Samnee

It's taken me longer than planned to get something up here this week.
To say that Alex Toth and Jordi Bernet have been huge influences on me over the years would be a major understatement. Not to mention the fact that all my fellow Comic Twartists have really done an amazing job on on their pieces this week.
Such big shoes to fill and a lot of tough acts to follow has had me struggling to live up to all these fine gents with this week's sketch.
Great work, guys.

Also, the initial layout and pencils for this can be seen over on my blog.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

TORPEDO by Andy Kuhn

Here's my version of Jordi Bernets
incredible character TORPEDO,
standing over the bullet riddled body
of the old Marvel Comics character Torpedo.
Why do I always gotta make a joke outa' everything?
Because I'm a JERK, that's why! :)
Thanks for looking.

P.S. To see my roughs for this piece CLICK HERE.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

TORPEDO by Mitch Gerads

My take on a character that's already been mastered by the masters, hope you like!

I've also included my pencils if that kind of thing floats your boat.


TORPEDO by Dan McDaid

I LOVED drawing this guy.

There's a black and white version on my blog.

TORPEDO by Urban Barbarian

My take on this cover by Jordi Bernet - not nearly as cool, mainly because Bernet's version rocks and I didn't show his gun... But in the right hands, a newspaper can be used as, um, well - reading material, I suppose. Click on the image to enlarge ( if you dare! ) Cheers!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

TORPEDO by Francesco Francavilla

Torpedo 1916 by Francesco Francavilla
- Click on the image for a bigger view -

As Mike said, we deal with one of the most iconic characters drawn bymasters like Bernet and Toth, so, once again, I had to go the extra mile to pay tribute to these great artists.
I had 3 ideas for this, and I went for the quickest (HA!).

I like to title this: "My First Fedora" :)
Hope you guys dig it.


Edit 2: just posted a second Torpedo concept over @ Pulp Sunday
Edit: I added the inks below, for those who prefer the B/W only :)
Again click on the image for a closer look.

Torpedo 1916 by Francesco Francavilla

Monday, February 1, 2010

TORPEDO by Declan Shalvey

I love Alex Toth. I love Jordi Bernet. I love crime comics. So why THE HELL have i not read Torpedo yet!? I'm an idiot; that's why. That new IDW collection will soon be mine though.

Thought i'd go the opposite direction of Mr. Hawthorne and do a very minimalistic drawing and made my signature more Bernet-y as a homage, in case the drawing wasn't homage enough.

TORPEDO by Mr. Hawthorne

Before any of you accuse me of being too ambitious for painting my entry this week, remember that Bernet and Toth both drew TORPEDO. Wasn't shit I was gonna do with just ink that was gonna come close to what those two masters, both artistic heroes of mine, did. So, I did some shuckin' and jivin' and hoped for the best...

Also, sorry for the bad scan.


Sunday, January 31, 2010


Just in the nick of time!

PS. There's a colour version on my BLOG!