This week's pick:

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


It's no secret i'm a huge Daredevil fan, and a Punisher fan too, so instead of picking one of them for this week, I thought a Punisher vs Daredevil mini-series would be a project i'd love to draw for Marvel. Something like 'Daredevil is on the run from the relentless hunter that is the Punisher'. The characters do not like each other, so I think there's a lot of conflict that could arise. Of course, it's probably been done a million times before, but dammit: ***I*** want to do it.

Ideally; written by Garth Ennis and coloured by Matt Hollingsworth! But hell: Fellow Twart Nathan Fairbain did a fantastic job colouring this piece, so i'd gladly take him and *anyone* who would write it.

You can see the black-and-white version I did on my own blog.



Mike Hawthorne said...

I love it, man! I almost picked these two myself :)

Nathan did an amazing job on this!!!


Nathan Fairbairn said...

This is great, Dec. And Matt Hollingsworth is a perfect choice for you. He's one of the best colorists in the biz, and a heck of a nice guy, to boot. He taught me a lot and helped me out a ton when I was just learning the ropes of this coloring stuff. I'd sure buy any book you two did together! :)

Declan Shalvey said...

Thanks Mike!

Nathan; thank you SO much for the fantastic job job on this. I *love* how it turned out

I've known Matt a while so i'm hoping to one day take all the drinking stories i've gathered over the years and blackmailing him into colouring something for me.

Dan McDaid said...

Dec, this is frigging awesome. Your Punisher is great, but I bloody LOVE your Daredevil. Smartest thing about the redesign - the subtle boxing motif in the gloves, shoes and baggy trews. Cool.

Chris Samnee said...

I want this book NOW! I always love your take on Daredevil and Nathan did a bang up job on the colors - making your incredibly strong image even stronger. Great job, guys!

Jason Stanley said...

The Punisher is one of my all time favourite Marvel characters, brilliant colouring!

Love it!

S.H.I.E.L.D boy said...

Punisher is cool but no love for Black Widow?

Urban Barbarian said...

Love that DD! Man, this IS the book for you!

Doc Shaner said...

I'll chime in with the chorus here, Dec, Daredevil is a perfect fit for you and this is proof.

Francesco Francavilla said...

Great team-up on the topic and on the art team, you two - this looks ready for print :)


Richard Evans said...

The Punisher has only beaten DD once.
Every other time he gets his ass handed to him. :)

Ron Salas said...

Just kickass, Dec and Nathan. Marvel needs to make this book.

Ramón k Pérez said...

kick. ass.

Declan Shalvey said...

Thanks so much guys; glad ye all like it!

tomfowler said...

i really hope (and trust) that your trajectory at marvel stays on it's present course so i can see this book happen, dec.

(i especially like the shoes...)

Moha said...

Thank you for this tutorial.its really informative tutorial dca-acl

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