This week's pick:

Thursday, August 12, 2010

SANDMAN by tom fowler

EDIT: ... something more substantial...


i've been a bit busy lately (what with running from the taxman and everything) so i'm going to cheat slightly and post a commission i did a little while ago as a place-holder until i can commit something a bit more substantial.



Kayla said...

New desktop image!

Mitch Gerads said...

So great, Tom!


Doc Shaner said...

Always blown away by your inks, Tom. Especially in the first square.

Urban Barbarian said...


Ron Salas said...

Just looking at that Abbey Road painting again in your sketchbook and I'm just blown away. You are too damn good.

Unknown said...

Yay! I <3 Delerium! You made her look fun instead of scary.

Francesco Francavilla said...

I remember seeing that commission on your blog, Tom, and I was blown away: lucky is the guy who owns it :)
The 2 new inked pieces are all kind of B/W awesomeness :)


Marvin said...

Is that Merwyn I see on the last panel, in the background?:)
To sum up, AWESOME.