Harvey was a giant of our humble medium and I'm proud to have worked with him, if only briefly.
There are some details of Harvey's burial over on Comics Beat. If Harvey and his work touched you in some way please consider donating a little money to his wife Joyce Brabne. The money will help defray the costs of Harvey's burial. Donations can be Paypal'ed to HPEKAR@aol.com.
I will also be selling this piece of art and donating all the money to Harvey's widow. Please e-mail me if you're interested - mhawthorne AT thinktankcomics.com
Awesome concept and execution, Mike. The guy from the city of Cleveland is still down to earth even while he's walking among the clouds.
What a really touching tribute.
Thanks, Ron. I appreciate it :)
Great freaking job on angle and perspective here, hermano :D
And great freaking good cause too: I have nothing but respect for you, Mike :)
You always say the nicest things to me ;)
Thanks, brother :)
Wonderful, Mike. A fitting tribute and kudos for making the man smile!
Thanks, Mitch :-)
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