i hate posting pencils, but i hate missing deadlines more (even silly self-imposed ones...).
this should get finished in the next couple of days, i'll post the finished version then.

I for one like seeing the pencils. Love seeing the construction on that front leg,and in the torso. I'm eager to see this finished.
Agreed. I usually prefer unfinished or loose drawings. There is so much more fluid motion. So much goes into figuring things out like anatomy and perspective that often doesn't make it into a finished inked piece. I say more process work for everyone. This is fucking awesome.
Agreed. Seeing the pencils is part of the fun. These are beautiful. Love that lean sinewy anatomy
This looks like a great start. I can't wait to see this finished!
Great pose.
Tom, i'm in awe of this stuff. One of my biggest goals for myself is to pencil more rough and fluid, so it's always inspiring to see this stuff.
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