I haven't Twarted in a while—some personal issues and the Kickstarter campaign for my book, Athena Voltaire, have had me scrambling. Thankfully, it looks like everything is settling down.
Big thanks to Declan for his Twart choice—I hope to catch up on the Twarts I've started but not yet finished from previous weeks...
Dude, looks great! HELL of a gargoyle too! Damn!
That's fantastic Steve; my favourite of yours so far.
Ugh, wish i'd spent more time on mine this week, instead of my drunken effort.
wow, I love the care given to that gargoyle. The pose is fun too.
That gargoyle is ridiculous, Steve. I really like Batman's mask here, too.
Thanks for the kind words, everyone.
It's no secret that I'm not super-confident with my superhero work (although I'm trying to improve), so I try and muddy the waters by adding in stuff I'm confident drawing. It's like misdirection in a magic trick! ;)
hella good! i dig it tha most! :)
Nice one, Steve!
A wonderfully spindly, vulnerable Batman here, Steve. And I LOVE the texture on the gargoyle!
This is great, Steve. I really love all the texture work. It makes Batman really pop!
Nicely done, Steve! I, too, love the gargoyle!
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