I've never made it a secret that I'd kill to work on a Bat title. I absolutely love drawing Batman.
I was lucky enough to handle art chores on a Poison Ivy short story, written by Simon Spurrier, for the Batman 80 Page Giant a while back but I've still got the itch to do more.
Excellent subject suggestion, Declan. :D
Excellent subject suggestion, Declan. :D
Oh, and here are the pencils for the above sketch.
You're getting too good, sir. You must be stopped.
You're a natural, Chris! Hope DC sees that they NEED you on a Bat title!
I'd love to draw a Joker comic. Gap tooth and all ;)
Looks great Chris! Ivy's always been one of my favorite Bat baddies, and the torsion on Batman here is wild.
Damn, that is awesome. I love how you conveyed Batman's weight. He feels like a big sack of muscle held up by those vines... so cool!
This is flawless!
Beautifully done Chris!
really nice, Chris. I'd slug my own Grandma for a chance to see a Chris Samnee Batman: Year One-era story.
beautiful drawing, chris. i echo your sentiments. i got to draw one 12 page batman story, i'd kill to do more.
I love the way that Ivy's body language mirrors the twisting of the branches! Awesome!
I'd love to see this one in color! Awesome!
I think this is right up there with your Quest twart as your bestest yet, Chris :D
Just fantastic, man. They need you to draw Batman ASAP.
Thanks so much! I'm always up for drawing Batman! :D
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