Neeeeaaaarrrrrllllly didn't get this done this week. I pencilled out a version, decided i hated it, then decided to redo it, then realized i didn't really have the time, then did it anyway out of guilt!A rollercoaster of emotion, as you can imagine.
It was tough to come up with an image i liked for this week's Twart. I basically just drew Mal Reynolds really.
Mate, that is so freakin' cool. I love that background!
Iconic!! Declan, we must find a home for this in the actual book, we'll have to talk!
Absolutely love your space rendering!
Yeah that space background is amazing! Great angle choice to for the camera too.
I totally hear 'ya about not having the time to re-draw things, but doing it anyway. Sometimes it just has to be done!
Well, anyway, it definitly worked out well for this one. Nice job!
Agreed, the watercolored effect of your cosmic landscape is WONDERFUL!
Great tribute, Dec :)
excellent work, declan. i'm diggin' it! :)
Fantastic. I'm also loving the technique you used in rendering Space (white ink fingerprint sunrise!?!)and the way the local color affected Johnny's palette.
And, if by "basically drew Mal Reynolds" you meant "I infused a drawing with all of the charisma ans swagger of one Nathan Fillion" then yes, yes you did.
Absolute dynamite, Dec. Love the background, love the perspective, love the composition, love the colours. It's just the bizness.
Yeah, everything from the angle to the background to the colors is pretty incredible. Can't go wrong with the iconic, cocky gunslinger pose either.
I love this one, Declan. That background is gorgeous, washes are great for space shots. Johnny's stance is great, especially played against that widescreen bar.
Wow, that's beautiful, Dec. Once again you took his character and made him your own. I actually found my own way to the character by looking at your take.
Thanks so much guys; i'm delighted ye all like it. By the end i couldn't tell if it was good or not.
Ron; the thought that anything i've done can be of any influence to another artist is a very scary one! Glad it helped though :)
Jag kommer att se till att bokmärke det och komma tillbaka för att läsa din information som är användbar för mig.
juegos friv
Tack för inlägget.
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