I inked this piece last night but thought I'd try my hand at giving it a lash of colour this morning. I wanted to draw a T-Rex, but Samnee and Hawthorne kinda rasied the bar too high, so i drew some pterodactyls instead. This must have been one of the nuttiest things I've ever drawn, and i once drew a clown having relations with a cat. Thanks Fowler.
Hope ye like. I posted the black-and-white version on my own blog.
GORGEOUS, my friend, that's cover ready! :D
really great, declan. beautiful composition and color.
i love it! ;)
Dude! This is my favorite Declan piece yet! Man, does the color ever work! Awesome!
I for one am glad you didn't go with a T-Rex cause i think this looks cooler. Wish I'd thought of it.
LOVE this, Declan. Just a great mood, and light. Fantastic.
Beautiful work - love the colour and the fading of the background (the pterodactyls look great).
Yeah, the pterodactyls and the trees are really sharp, and the colors are excellent. I think the only thing that could make this better is if the 'dactyls were toting bombs to drop on the unsuspecting bot.
I agree with Nathan - this is your best yet, Dec. LOVE the colours.
Agreed with all of the above, my favorite piece you've done here on Comic Twart, Dec! The simple orange background is absolutely perfect
You rocked this one big time!
PS. I want to see the clown having relations with a cat pic!
This is just gorgeous! Love the colors & composition & pterodactyls!
Thanks a lot guys!
Glad ye like the colours. I struggle a bit when it comes to colour. I love using flat colour, but i spend ages tweaking colour choices until i'm satisfied with them, so the comments on the colours are greatly appreciated.
PS Mitch; i have no idea where that sketch is. The person who requested it happily took it with him!
Great piece! The inking is lively and well-rendered but it really is your color work that reinforces the eerie, otherworldly, isolation of the lost world.
Gorgeous shot, Dec. I like the color held Pterodactyls in the back.
Wow! That's my favourite from you yet. Beautiful yin-yang composition and that use of hot orange is so refreshing and unique.
You are fantastic with robots.
Brilliant man. You know I read nearly all the issues of Weird War Tales last year? Well do you?
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