here i go - sneaking in again last minute. actually i fudged the post time...otherwise i would have been overlapping johnny recon...
(btw fantastic piece m!tch - where do you find the time. damn)
anyway, here's my addition to the fantastic line-up of renditions starring francesco's pulp hero. i want to own a comic starting this guy. hell, i'd love to draw a comic starring this guy :)
enough babbling, it's bedtime...
Holy shit I love this so much. I want to take it home with me. So iconic! And the detailing on the costume is killer. Wow. Way to cap off a week of great beetles, Ramon!
A fantastic piece!
really great drawing, ramon. love the shapes!
Damn you Ramon. This is gorgeous.
A wonderfully designed piece. Lovely, fluid drawing.
I give up.
we're going to have to start calling you mr. saturday night.
i love it. that's a very spry beetle.
That's f-ing awesome! I love this so bad. :)
Incredibly stylish
"sunday" night.
(i should never comment in the morning.)
HELLYEAH! Poster ready! :D
Great design and lines!
Thank you so much for making time, Ramon, this was totally worth the wait! :D
Holy Yes, Batman! This is awesome, Ramon! The costuming is absolutely perfect! So much fun and so iconic!
What a graceful figure and an elegant design. Oh, and super-slick inks! Dynamite!
Way to go to sneak this in, Ramon! As has been said before, what a fantastic design.
God, it makes me jealous.
God-damn - this is amazing. Neat composition, glorious inks. Iconic stuff, Ramon!
Dit is een informatieve recensie. Ik ben zo blij om dit bericht te krijgen en leuke informatie. Ik kijk ernaar uit om zo'n bericht te krijgen dat ons erg behulpzaam is.
Een grote dank voor het plaatsen van dit artikel op deze website. Houd het op.
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