So as you may have figured this week we're drawing Francesco's Black Beetle character. I had fun with this one. I think i got the colour wrong on the underside of the cape wrong, but i thought it would look well as a finished image.
If yer interested, you can see the original inked drawing over on my blog.
Dec, hands down, this is my favorite of your Twart pieces so far. This is majorly badass and has really helped life me out of my "imagery block."
Apparently the key to drawing awesome is to be Irish.
Thanks Mitch; appreciate it.
I guess us Irish have to be good at somethin'...
...'cept drinkin'.
Declan, WOW,this is fantastic!
Great job!
Sweet Moses, I've got a feeling that this is going to be a great week for the growing pile of twart on this site. Very nice work!
I'm gonna go with the G-rads on this one and say this is easily one of my favorites too. Oh, and thanks for the new wallpaper too.
THAT.IS.SO.COOL!!! Thank you, Dec, you managed to make him look even more badass! :) Love the red (you did it right), love the details, love the rooftop shot, love the landscape format. Kickass!
This is gonna be a GOOD week, yes :)
Dec this Kicks ass more than Kick Ass! I was looking at the original on your blog and thought to myself the colours might knock it back a bit( coz you know how much I love your gray wash stuff! ) but man it rocks. lovely stuff!
NICE one Declan. Love the widescreen shot, and a great comp for the spot blacks. Really nice reds too.
Thanks guys :)
Fran; i know what you mean; i've been meaning to colour greywash stuff for a while but when i tried it looked muddy. Then Evan (Shaner, here on this blog) showed me how to colourize the greywash parts and it's been working pretty well since. Thanks Evan!
Really glad you like it Francesco, it was fun to do :)
Wow... love the composition and the way you throw down blacks. And that cape is just beautiful. Great job!
LOVE IT. for all the reasons everyone's said already - blacks, ink wash, comp, cape and the simple splash of colour which is like the cherry on a sundae.
really nice work Declan.
My new desktop background at work. Great stuff.
This one is gonna be tough to top, Dec. Great composition, beautiful colours, just pure class.
I love everything about this. Like I've said before, you really took Francesco's character and made him your own.
Ron's absolutely right; it's still Francesco's Beetle, but it's also totally your own.
I love the wash version of it, too!
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