first off, a big thanks to chris samnee for letting me be a part of the comic twarts. i am in great company and it's going to be a challenge to keep up! which i like :)
i thought i'd take a different approach to my zorro piece as, not only are all the renditions ridiculously awesome, i wanted to capture that feel of our masked hero sweeping through the scene. it's one element i really enjoyed in a lot of the old zorro serials and even the new movies. a blur of a cape, the flash of a sword.... you get the picture.
hope you like.
damn! another twart that i will clearly never out-clever! that's freakin' kewelll!!!
Haha! Greatness!
very clever piece. I like that it's almost the other perspective on one of Mike Hawthrone's
That's lovely. Way to think outside the box sir.
That's a stellar composition, Ramon! Insanely clever supported by awesome execution.
and Welcome!
Jeez the inks one this one are incredible, Ramon. The Zorro face on the blade is just too good.
hey! it's twart's first self portrait!
great stuff ramon.
Really friggin' cool!
This is fantastic! Seriously, I love it. I thought the same as Dave, that you'd managed to flip the coin and make it awesome!
Much respect.
thank you gentlemen, you've all made my day :)
This is piece is a lot of fun. Love all the expressions!
Great expressions on all 3 characters, and wonderful hands! (am I weird? ;))
Good to see you in, Ramon :)
I love this, Ramon!! Brilliant!
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