This week's pick:

Monday, January 18, 2010

ZORRO by Mr. Hawthorne

I did two. Sorry.



Dan McDaid said...

Behold - the Gay Blade!

I adore these - so much fun.

Dan McDaid said...

I'm gonna have to add: the perspective on these is ASTONISHING. The second one particularly - wow.

And your command of cloth (so to speak) is amazing.

Dave said...

Really capture the spirit of the character with these, nice job!

Steve Bryant said...

Nice! Dammit!

Declan Shalvey said...

Ugh. The one i'm doing at the moment seems so flat in comparison to these.

Damn you.

ANDY KUHN said...

awesome! you just HAD to make two, huh? ;)

Mike Hawthorne said...

Thank you for the kind words. You guys are too nice. :)

Andy, what I lack in quality I make up for in quantity ;)

Mitch Gerads said...

Wow, Mike! These evoke such a great sense of feeling and intention. Love 'em!


Brian Jones said...

Jaw dropping!

Chris Samnee said...

TWO?!! You better be sorry, Mike! I just O.D.'d on radness!!
Did you do these on 11x17?

Mike Hawthorne said...

Thanks fellas. I really appreciate it :)

Chris - Thanks man. I couldn't decided which one i liked better, so just went with both. One is 11 X 17, the other is 14 X 17.

Thanks again!

Doc Shaner said...

Love 'em both, but that second one takes the cake for me, Mike. The angle, the way the eye is lead down the sword, all of it.

Mike Hawthorne said...

Thanks, Evan.I almost didn't do that one. Kinda felt stale at first... which is why I started the second.

Ron Salas said...

Man, I'm so jealous of the life and dynamism in your two pieces. Gaaah!!!

Mike Hawthorne said...

Don't be. It's all smoke and mirrors.


Nathan Fairbairn said...

The perspective and foreshortening on these makes my head hurt. This is great cartooning, sir!

Mike Hawthorne said...

Thanks, Nathan :)