This week's pick:

Monday, January 18, 2010

ZORRO by Chris Samnee

This blog has really gotten off on the right foot, eh? Great work so far, gents. Can't wait to see everyone else's contributions.


Steve Bryant said...

Gaaah! You guys are killin' me. Great stuff, as always, Chris.

ANDY KUHN said...

HA! greatness!
you are an irritant, chris samnee. :)

Mitch Gerads said...

Samnee bringing in the Drama!

Killer, Chris!

Mike Hawthorne said...

You're the new Toth, dude. Nice!

Dan McDaid said...

I think I slightly hate you, Mr S. In a good way.

Mitch Breitweiser said...

okay, you are officially rediculous.

Declan Shalvey said...

This blog started as fun. Now it's depressing!

Great stuff man. Lots going on in this little gem.

Alan said...

Genius! Especially from such loose pencils! (love seeing pencils)

Mike Hawthorne said...

Yeah, he's just showing off with those "pencils" ;)

Brian Jones said...


Chris Samnee said...

Thanks so much, you guys!! This is a blast so far! :D

Craig Zablo said...

I knew your Zorro would rock and boy, does it. Take a bow, sir!

Doc Shaner said...

I'm going with Andy and Mitch here, you are a ridiculous irritant. There's just too much good in this, too much. Great lighting and staging, Chris!

Brian Hancock said...

Wow! This is a awesome Zorro! Great blog!

Ron Salas said...

Absolutely brilliant, Chris.
I love everything about it, especially how you incorporated "Z" into the composition. Just amazing.

Nathan Fairbairn said...

Bah, this is only any good if you like awesome. Which I don't.